Monday, December 1, 2008

MONDAY, MONDAY (la da, la da da da) - Remember that Song?

"Monday, good to me....." The Mommas and the Papas right? Classic song! Well, for most of us Monday is not something to sing about....especially after a holiday weekend. We'd rather hit snooze just one more time or lounge around in our pjs, but work is calling; or school; or work and school; or work, school and kids!!! Our plates are definitely full, but we're going to make our Mondays MARVELOUS from now on!!
Okay, so that's me currently, today, in this picture. It's after the holiday eating, the lack of sleep (I know, but I just had to stay up and be the first to say "Goodmorning" to you.....I wanted to get us all on the same page for our Monday - Dec. 1st)!
This is me all serious face and what do I see in the mirror attitude.......pajamas on.....feeling kind of soft what with all the pies and cookies (I love my sweets).....but today when we look in the mirror (and take a picture of yourself......keep it respectful and rated G) we will affirm our gifts and talents; our goals and our worth.......say it with me, "I AM SOMEBODY!"
Good Morning Beautiful Self!
We're going to make ourselves BETTER today!
Today I will use my gifts: (list gifts......./ this may be hard; women often do not consider themselves to be gifted or talented; or may see themselves as conceited if they acknowledge those gifts.....but not here SISTA'S, look yourself in the eyes and say "Thank You" for allowing me to ________________, and help the world in this way;".....)
{Gift and talent examples: an athletic gift; listening skills; talented writer/artist; you may give good advice; you're a great momma; you're strong mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually; you can sing, dance or play an instrument; you give wonderful hugs; you tutor; you cheer; you smile; woodworking; babysit; cook well or bake; awesome with numbers.......this list is endless!}
Are you looking in the mirror? It's okay if you don't really like what you see right away, we all go through that, and it's MONDAY AND MONDAY IS MARVELOUS BECAUSE WE GET TO START BRAND NEW, AND YOU YOURSELF ARE A GIFT THAT IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING.....I was frustrated too when I took my picture..., but then realized....hey, I am healthy and I am strong. By what standards am I measuring myself? Healthy or unhealthy ones? Am I concerned about what's good for me, or how others may judge me? Am I being realistic or dreaming of being airbrushed and starved?
Because if I am speaking realistically, then I have to look at myself and admit out loud in the mirror my truths:
I am a healthy, happy, ethnically curvy (that means with my ancestry and family tree, I'm not nor will I ever be skinny, that's not in my genes....BUT, I can make the body I have work for me and be the best it can be) I have my hair, my eyesight, my hearing. I can walk. I can run. I can blog my new friends and we can get through Monday together! So I'm, I'm more than okay, I'M SIK!!!!!
HAPPY MONDAY BEAUTIFUL SELF (say it......go on......find a mirror)
Let's get things done today!
I am Beautiful!
I am Talented!
I am Loved!
Now give yourself a hug (don't knock it 'till you try it.....feels great.....wrap your arms around your shoulders and squeeze......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fantastic)!!!
I'll be back later today to check on to go get some rest now to meet our MARVELOUS MEMBERSHIP MONDAY head on!!! Take that didn't see me coming did you????
Get at least one friend to check out; send us your thoughts, photos, etc......if we get enough people to participate we can add some prizes for those with the most participation!!
Quote of the Day: "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." - Judy Garland
Have a Marvelous Day!!!


Nata said...

It's 11:57pm on did you do today??? ;)

thehopper said...

Well Hello Natalie! Thanks for all the great inspirationsl stuff. Gotta smile. You are blessed to speak words to my heart. Thats where they go...straight to my heart. Then I smile, gotta smile, can't help it. If Sik sista's share with one another...gotta smile. Looking forward to more of your blogs. Love from a "sik sista" in Florida