Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Food & Mood

From the moment we are born into the world as females we battle low self-esteem, stereotypes and the overwhelming world view that as women and girls we just aren’t good enough. Despite the best efforts of our friends and family who might love us unconditionally, negative thoughts and attitudes about body image daily trip us up as if we were tip-toeing over land mines. Playing duck and cover from advertising ads that play up our insecurities and target our lack of confidence then blow it up like hand-grenades is all out warfare for our identity.
Magazines and television programs constantly feed us unrealistic versions of what women and girls should be: skinny, blonde, large breasts, and perfectly happy being objectified and starving. The fact is, women and girls are not perfectly happy, and what they are starving from is a lack of empowerment, guide to proper nutrition and a healthy self-esteem that links to their own core beliefs, not what others think they should believe about themselves.
Too many cases of female depression, anxiety and disordered eating are related to body image and weight. Women and girls are dissatisfied with themselves, their bodies in particular and why? Would they be dissatisfied if normal body shape, color and personality were fairly portrayed in the media and in our own homes?
The truth is that the world is not fair, but we can be to ourselves. The world may take its sweet time in electing female world leaders, or distributing equal pay for equal work, but in the meantime it is the responsibility of all women to encourage, support and foster in one another positive beliefs in our own self-worth regardless of our size, shape, color or class. Demand to not be demeaned, controlled or dominated by exploitative advertising that is completely harmful.

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