Friday, November 21, 2008

THE "Olympic Journal"! YES, YOU CAN!!

To your left, one of my recent "Olympic Journals" - and does that mean you have to train like an Olympian 16 hours a day, seven days a week, sign up for the bobsled team or drink egg yolks for breakfast? No, no, no, Relax....being an Olympian is all about HEART and SPIRIT, PERSEVERANCE and DESIRE...You witnessed it this summer while watching the 2008 games in China. We laugh, cry, smile and sing along with the anthem; cheer our favorite athletes; marvel at the heroic stories of what seemed like impossible odds for some of these determined individuals who dared to dream their dream and make it a reality.

I have always enjoyed "journaling" to me it's the same as journeying, and it's all about the journey.!Writing has always been a positive outlet for me. When you journal you can set goals and stick to them; you can note all the joys and frustrations of the day (because trust me, no matter how good your memory you will forget, so write it down); you can keep track of your progress; you can channel your feelings into therapeutic letters; and most importantly you can look back on the wonderful ever-evolving creation - YOU! After my college softball career I found that I could easily fill the hours that used to belong to training and competition with, what else? - WORK. Very easy to do.....get out there and start helping people....only problem - I missed the key elements that made me happy and healthy everyday for years - my SISTA'S who served as a support system for getting through hard times, tough practices, cheered when I was driving runs in, and picked me up when they knew I could do SISTA'S held me accountable, and were oh so much fun to be with. Second, I desperately missed the time that was scheduled for me daily to get STRONGER: cardio, strength training, batting practice, defense work, team building, the joy of traveling and competing all of the world....and though I consider myself to be well-disciplined, having to keep tabs on just ME proved difficult. Thankfully, I had a great friend/trainer, "Jules" a college basketball player herself, teacher and trainer, she made me start an "Olympic Journal" - "But I already keep lots of journals," I said....Jules: "This one is different," -

This one you take with you EVERYWHERE; in your backpack, your briefcase, your dinner/dance purse, your car, truck, train or plane - and you write EVERYTHING down; what you eat, drink, how your body feels, what you're thinking, what your wants and needs are....after a while I felt like I was in one of those Nike test labs where they monitor the ELITE to see what makes them tick and what will make them BETTER....and when I wrote down goals, I would stick to them...."5:00 am - Beach Run/Dunes" ....I remember distinctly missing one....I was tired, I figured, "hey, I'm just going to skip this one....who am I letting down? - just me....I don't have a coach or a team to think about, so what's the big's not like I'm on the Olympic team or anything..." AND that proved to be the biggest learning day of my independent training (before Europe in 2004). My trainer and dear friend Jules had to lay it out coach style for me - a pep talk that I was used to giving, but haven't received in a long time....not since my dad and coach John (Old Man John the Pirate Super Coach) back in the Dirt Bag Days in Ontario rec ball. Not only was I letting my friend down - who was taking time out of her day to train me; give me the support I was missing - but I was letting myself down - and not taking advantage of the gifts that the universe was providing me....a healthy body, a friend who loves me enough to get up and run with me at 5:00am, a beach on which to run, how many of us have a beach that we can walk to and take advantage of? I had the privilege of paving the way for other athletes....I was soon to have the once in a lifetime opportunity to play softball in different countries!!!! C'mon NAT, get out of bed, hug your trainer, and dance on the up that dune and raise your arms up Rocky style when you get there! Having an energetic workout buddy to cheer you on certainly helps.....we recruited a super star collegiate soccer player to join us too; Kelly - and we made the most of our San Francisco terrain - beaches, tracks, bridges, weight rooms, you name it....we ran it, or jumped it, or lifted it.
I wrote prayers in my journal: "Please God, let me get through today....I think Jules is trying to kill me (smiley face)"....I wrote great discoveries, "WOW! I've never in my entire life peed so much...I'll have to ask my mom....but drinking lots of water definitely takes some getting used to." Jules assured me that in two weeks my body would be used to being properly hydrated...and she was right (thank goodness). The goals were increased and I would progress...first it was, lighten up on the coffee, chocolate and sweets and add more water....32oz per day minimum....then 64....then I noticed I was handling 128oz or more per day and I felt AMAZING!! Skin clear, cramps gone (I did toss back a shot full of Tahitian Noni Juice in the morning and at night - a ritual my Avo (Grandfather) does and he's the strongest man I know, so I felt connected to him when I would enjoy the purple stuff in his honor. But never anything other than NATURAL, good stuff....substituted candy for fruits and vegetables....but would have a small, sweet something everyday not to feel deprived.....either my favorite HOT CHOCOLATE or some Hershey kisses......and I didn't miss them as much as I used to. Used to think I was made of doughnuts....turns out, I'm made of muscle, and heart, and smiles and energy!!!!
I decorated the front, inside, and back of my journal - made it my own - to inspire me!
NOW MAKE YOUR OWN.....and if you need a WAKE UP CALL or a RUNNING BUDDY, let me know!!!

1 comment:

David De Divine said...

Hello Dearie!
My name is David a student of psychology at the University of Lagos Nigeria, I must comment that I'm dazzled by your profile and motivation. Its hard to get to meet a deep person in this shallow world.. I'll like us to be friends if you feel thesame way. Like they say the "deep calls to the deep" and "iron shappens iron" i believe from going through your profile that i've got a lot to learn from you as a seeker of wisdom. what do you say? and you look angelic which the seraphic smile you wear. hoping to hear from you.
