Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where 'Ya Gonna Go?
I found this picture of me when going through my college stuff; its the summer of 2004 when I had the opportunity of a lifetime to play softball and sight see in Europe!
We took first place in Prague, second in Holland; I got to play left field and catcher.....what a joy!!
I have lifelong friends overseas now thanks to the unbelievable connection that sports gives us. I believe this is a picture of me in Belgium....mmmm.....chocolate.....and the sky is the limit!!!
I felt as tall as the buildings behind me!
Now reaching THE TOP is different for everyone;
for YOU it might be getting to Europe someday or as simple as getting out of bed; maybe your TOP is passing a class or graduating from High School so you can continue your higher education in college; or being a healthy Momma so you can keep up with your fast-paced schedule and family demands; whatever it is.....
your TOP is uniquely yours and can change....just like you can change your clothes, change your mind, or change your profile picture, YOU can make POSITIVE changes in your life to achieve your TOP performance!
It's blog time might have thought that the holidays were approaching and that means THE TOP can wait - when actually, the holidays are the BEST time to set GOALS to reach THE TOP.
The holidays are a time when we hopefully can get a little time to ourselves (I know how hard that can be, my family is huge....I usually hide in the bathroom, don't tell anyone), or at the very least chat with loved ones, and friends about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.....SUPPORT from loving friends and family is KEY to SUCCESS in anything......sports, business, and life!
Together this is the beginning of a friendship that will motivate, inspire and encourage.....we will keep pushing each other positively forward every day!! We will introduce ourselves to each other, start "Olympic Journals" (don't be intimidated, this is for everyone at all levels of recreation), and be a sounding board for pictures and YOU can share your experiences loud and proud, even cheer on your fellow SISTA'S (and BROS, we don't discriminate here)!
In everything YOU do remember, little eyes are watching, looking up to YOU and we owe it to the next generation to do our very BEST in all things; our work, our play; Get out there and do it! People will follow your good example!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: REMEMBER: "Impossible" means "I'm possible." - SARK

1 comment:

thehopper said...

Here's to "Life, Love, and the pursuit of happiness". Thanks for the reminder that with family and freinds all gathering for the holidays, we can do together what we can't do alone. I sure love that picture. I can feel your hearts spirit, strong with the love of life and all it's wonders.